Family Business Summit: The Fun and Foibles of Family Business
Many, if not all entrepreneurs struggle with whether or not their children should or want to work in the business and in what roles. Will they be able to lead the business after the first generation is gone? This topic will be presented in a panel format and address some of the challenges faced by the next generation in the succession plan. Associated Elevator’s Meredith Baker is on the panel. (Read More)
April, 2013 – Cape and Plymouth Business – by Meredith Baker
Imagine you’ve neglected your car for years. You don’t change the oil in it. You don’t perform tune ups. The only time you take it to the shop is after it has broken down and needs repairs. How long will that car last?
Just like automobiles, elevators also need routine maintenance. Elevator equipment needs periodic adjustments, lubrication and examination for safe and reliable operation. Elevators also need to be inspected annually and certified for use by the state. For these reasons and more, it’s important to schedule routine maintenance on your elevator with a reputable company. (read more)
October, 2012 – Cape and Plymouth Business – by Curt McClay
Elevators are such a common piece of technology in our day-to-day life that we hardly even notice them anymore. Many of the elevators we use every day have been in service for decades. This doesn’t seem unusual until you think about how far technology has advanced in just the last 20 years. In 1992, the Internet was still an experiment being used by only a select few. Your cell phone couldn’t send text messages. And in 1992, your elevator controller was using relay logic instead of microprocessors and DC motor generators instead of AC variable voltage variable frequency motors. (read more)
August, 2012 – Cape and Plymouth Business – by Joy Jordon
After a tumultuous few years, perhaps no industry has struggled more than building and construction. Between the mortgage meltdown, credit crisis, unemployment and a nationwide tightening of belts, the construction industry nationwide has seen tough times. Now that hints and whispers of a recovery are upon us, what does it mean for the builders in our region? Many have been forced to adapt and change to survive the past few years. What lessons can we learn from those who have survived and thrived? The good news is that many companies are doing well, and that our region as a whole has fared much better than some less fortunate parts of the country. (read more)
February 17, 2012 – – by the Commonwealth of Massachusetts
A new law was recently enacted which expands the definition of “owner occupied single family residences” to include both attached and detached residences. The effect of this law is to broaden the category of elevators requiring an inspection once every 5 years as opposed to annually. (read more)
February, 2012 – Cape and Plymouth Business – by Joseph Santangelo
When Ken McClay started as a young apprentice in the Boston elevator business in 1958, there were no computerized controllers; elevators were run by relay logic. While the princilples of vertical transortation remain the same, the industry has taken a 180-degree turn. Computer electronics now control the systems. Repairs now involve replacing circuit boards, not resoldering and reconnecting electric relay switches. And elevators are common in almost any type of building containing at least two floors, be it commercial, residential, government or institutional. (read more)
December 28, 2011 –– by the Commonwealth of Massachusetts
The amendment to the statute was enacted as an outside section of the Fiscal Year 2012 state budget. Essentially, it subjects an owner or operator of an elevator to a fine of $1000 for each day that they run an elevator without a valid state certificate of inspection. The exception, essentially, is that if an application for annual inspection is submitted to the Department of Public Safety at least 30 days prior to the expiration date on the existing certificate and the unit is not inspected by a state inspector prior to the expiration date, the owner will not be subject to the fine for continuing to run the unit past the expiration date. (read more)